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Idiom: 1. The cardinal number equal to the sum of 1 + 1.
2. The second in a set or sequence.
3. Something having two parts, units, or members, especially a playing card, the face of a die, or a domino with two pips.
4. A two-dollar bill.
in two
Into two separate parts; in half: cut the sandwich in two.
two adj. & pron.
1. (Mathematics) the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one. It is a prime number. See also number1
2. (Mathematics) a numeral, 2, II, (ii), etc, representing this number
3. (Music, other) music the numeral 2 used as the lower figure in a time signature, indicating that the beat is measured in minims
4. something representing, represented by, or consisting of two units, such as a playing card with two symbols on it
5. Also called: two o'clock two hours after noon or midnight
6. in two in or into two parts: break the bread in two.
7. put two and two together to make an inference from available evidence, esp an obvious inference
8. that makes two of us the same applies to me
a. amounting to two: two nails.
b. (as pronoun): he bought two.
[Old English twā (feminine); related to Old High German zwā, Old Norse tvau, Latin, Greek duo]
(tu)n., pl. twos,
adj. n.
1. a cardinal number, 1 plus 1.
2. a symbol for this number, as 2 or II.
3. a set of this many persons or things.
adj. 4. amounting to two in number.
Idioms: 1. in two, into two separate parts, as halves.
2. put two and two together, to reach the correct and obvious conclusion.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English twā (feminine and neuter; compare twain); c. Old Frisian twā, Old High German zwā, zwō, Old Norse tveir, Gothic twai; akin to Latin duo, Greek dýo]
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Noun | 1. | ![]() digit, figure - one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration; "0 and 1 are digits" craps, snake eyes - expressions used when when two dice are thrown and both come up showing one spot |
2. | two - one of the four playing cards in a deck that have two spots playing card - one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games | |
Adj. | 1. | ![]() cardinal - being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers" |
اِثْنانالرَّقم 2العدد 2سَنَتان من العُمْرعُمْرُه سنتان
dvědvojkadvouletýdvadva roky
tveirtvöí einu, á sama tímatværtveggja ára
dudvejetasdvejų metųdvejų metų amžiusdvi
dividivu gadu vecumsdivus gadus vecsdivgadīgs
dvedvadva rokydvaja
ikiiki yaşiki yaşında
[tuː]A. ADJ → dos
B. N → dos m
to break sth in two → romper algo en dos, partir algo por la mitad
two by two; in twos → de dos en dos
to arrive in twos and threes → llegar dos o tres a la vez
that makes two of us → ya somos dos
they're/you're two of a kind → son/sois tal para cual
to put two and two together → atar cabos
two's company, three's a crowd → dos son compañía, tres son multitud
see five for usage
to break sth in two → romper algo en dos, partir algo por la mitad
two by two; in twos → de dos en dos
to arrive in twos and threes → llegar dos o tres a la vez
that makes two of us → ya somos dos
they're/you're two of a kind → son/sois tal para cual
to put two and two together → atar cabos
two's company, three's a crowd → dos son compañía, tres son multitud
see five for usage
[ˈtuː] num → deuxShe's two → Elle a deux ans.
two by two → deux par deux
in twos → deux par deux
to put two and two together (fig) → faire une suppositiontwo-bit [ˈtuːbɪt] adj (mainly US) → de pacotilletwo-bits [ˌtuːˈbɪts] npl (US) → 25 cents mpltwo-dimensional two dimensional [ˌtuːdaɪˈmɛnʃənəl] adj
[object, drawing] → à deux dimensions, bidimensionnel(le)
(fig) [characters] → sans profondeurtwo-door [ˌtuːˈdɔːr] adj [car] → à deux portestwo-faced [ˌtuːˈfeɪst] adj [person] → hypocrite
adj → zwei; to break/cut something in two → etw in zwei Teile brechen/schneiden; two by two, in twos → zwei und zwei, zu zweit, zu zweien; in twos and threes → immer zwei oder drei (Leute) auf einmal; two minds with but a single thought (prov) → zwei Seelen - ein Gedanke; to put two and two together (fig) → seine Schlüsse ziehen, zwei und zwei zusammenzählen; to put two and two together and make five → einen Fehlschluss or einen falschen Schluss ziehen; two’s company, three’s a crowd → ein Dritter stört nur; two can play at that game (inf) → den Spieß kann man auch umdrehen ? also six
n → Zwei f; just the two of us/them → nur wir beide/die beiden
adj (US inf) → mies (inf)
n (= wood) Stück Holz mit den Maßen 2 x 4 Zoll
:two-chamber system
n → Zweikammersystem nt
adj (US) = two-stroke
adj → Zweizylinder-; two engine → Zweizylindermotor m
adj → zweitürig
(lit) → zweischneidig, doppelschneidig
(fig) → zweideutig; argument → zweischneidig; a two sword or weapon (fig) → ein zweischneidiges Schwert
adj (lit) → doppelgesichtig; (fig) → falsch
two-family house
n (US) → Zweifamilienhaus nt
two-four time
n (Mus) → Zweivierteltakt m
adj grip, blow, catch → beidhändig; a two sword → ein Zweihänder m; a two saw → eine Säge mit zwei Griffen; a two backhand eine Rückhand, bei der der Schläger mit beiden Händen gehalten wird; a two game → ein Spiel nt → für zwei Spieler
n (Theat) → Zweipersonenstück nt
two-horse race
n (fig) Wettstreit, bei dem nur zwei der Teilnehmer eine Chance haben zu gewinnen
two-income family
n → Doppelverdiener pl
two-man bobsleigh, (US) two-man bobsled
n (Sport) → Zweierbob m
(Mus) → zweistimmig, für zwei Stimmen
two-party system
n → Zweiparteiensystem nt
n = tuppence
twopence piece
n → Zweipencestück nt
adj = tuppenny
adj (Elec) → Zweiphasen-; two current → Zweiphasenstrom m
adj → zweiteilig
adj wool → zweifädig; wood → aus zwei Lagen or Schichten bestehend; tissue → zweilagig; two sweater → aus zweifädiger Wolle gestrickter Pullover
adj → zweisitzig
n (= car, plane) → Zweisitzer m
adj → Zweisterne-; two petrol (Brit dated) → Normalbenzin nt; two hotel → Zweisternehotel nt; two general (US) → Zweisternegeneral(in) m(f)
n → Twostepp m
two-storey, (US) two-story
adj → zweistöckig
two-stroke (Brit)
adj (inf) → falsch
adj (in colour) → zweifarbig; (in sound) → zweitönig
:two-up two-down
n (Brit inf) → kleines Reihenhäuschen
adj (= reciprocal) trade, exchange, relationship → wechselseitig; two communications (Telec) → Sprechverkehr m → in beide Richtungen; two fabric → von beiden Seiten zu tragender Stoff; two street → Straße f → mit Gegenverkehr or mit Verkehr in beiden Richtungen; two traffic → Gegenverkehr m, → Verkehr m → in beiden Richtungen; education is a two process → Erziehung ist ein wechselseitiger Prozess
two-way adaptor
n → Doppelstecker m
two-way mirror
n → Spion(spiegel) m
two-way radio
n → Funksprechgerät nt
two-way switch
n → Wechselschalter m
[tuː]1. adj → due inv
2. n → due m inv
to break sth in two → spezzare qc in due
two by two, in twos → a due a due
to arrive in twos and threes → arrivare alla spicciolata
to put two and two together (fig) → fare uno più uno, trarre le conclusioni
that makes two of us → e così siamo in due
for usage see five
to break sth in two → spezzare qc in due
two by two, in twos → a due a due
to arrive in twos and threes → arrivare alla spicciolata
to put two and two together (fig) → fare uno più uno, trarre le conclusioni
that makes two of us → e così siamo in due
for usage see five
(tuː) noun1. the number or figure 2.
2. the age of 2.
adjective1. 2 in number.
2. aged 2.
two- having two (of something). a two-door car.
ˌtwo-ˈfaced adjective decitful. a two-faced person.
ˌtwo-ˈhanded adjective, adverb (to be used, played etc) with two hands. a two-handed stroke.
twosome noun two people; a couple. They usually travel in a twosome.
ˌtwo-ˈway adjective able to act, operate, be used etc in two ways or directions. two-way traffic; a two-way radio.
ˈtwo-year-old noun a person or animal that is two years old.
adjective (of a person, animal or thing) that is two years old.
in two (broken) in two pieces. The magazine was torn in two.